Recording of The Jaffna Club ZOOM, Sunday 25th February, MangalaPathy Ayurveda

Here is the recording of The Jaffna Club session on Sunday 25th February 2024.…/BJKV8BYE42EmrrhcdwATZL4Gs3DcN… The…

The Jaffna Club ZOOM, Sunday 28th January, UNICOM TIC, RECORDING

Our speakers are Dr Neil Anthony-Pillai and Mr Shantha Ruban. Successful tech entrepreneurs in the UK,…

The Jaffna Club ZOOM, Sunday 7th January. The Flag Forum RECORDING

Recording: As is traditional for The Jaffna Club, the December meeting instead of being on the…

The Jaffna Club November ZOOM Recording: Noolaham Foundation

Here is the recording of the ZOOM.  It will be available for a couple of months,…

The Jaffna Club October ZOOM Meeting

RECORDING OF THE OCTOBER MEETING So you can get quickly to the bit that interests you,…

Jaffna Club Welcomes New Members & Supporters. ZOOM last Sunday of each month

The Jaffna Club has many supporters who are updated on club events. All are welcome to…